Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever again...

This is me resigning from this game. I will never play World of Warcraft ever again. It's boring and a big waste of time. Yes I said it is BORING. The only reason I have played it at all the last three weeks was because Charles wanted me to play with him. Sorry Paco. I'm sure Cleo will have fun with my account though. What will she do with a level 50 mage?
...I think I'd rather read.,0,1886997.story

I think it is also interesting to point out the amount of money Blizzard generates from this on subscriptions alone! Let's say all 11.5 million people played at least one year. The subscription is anywhere from $13 to $15 a month. So we will average $14 a month. 11.5 * 14 = $161 million dollars a month. 161 * 12 = $1.932 billion a year.


Elizabeth said...

That article is pathetic.

Jenny said...

way to go, hugh! have fun w/out blizzard. :)

Carla said...

Music to my ears!

Charles said... it the game or the people that make the game what it is?